
Translations and additional services

Expand your business to new markets!


Translations from English to Spanish and Spanish to English

Translations from English to Spanish and Spanish to English

Quality, Precision and Trustworthiness. Specialized in Large Projects:

• Web Pages

• Legal Documents

• Financial Statements

• Technical Documents

• Software Manuals

• Conferences and Presentations

• Certified Translations of Documents

Contact us if you need translations into other languages.

Know and evaluate your team's English level

We collaborate with the Human Resource Department in evaluating the knowledge of a second or third language in order:

• For an executive or collaborator to be integrated to a higher position in the company.

• To be promoted to a managerial position or other positions that require knowledge of a foreign language. All language skills are evaluated: reading, listening comprehension, writing, oral fluency and correct use of grammar structures.

• We apply oral and written tests to assure the aptitude of the candidate in the language evaluated and under the standards of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages - CEFR.

• We provide a detailed and confidential report to our clients.

Ready to begin?

Contact us and we will provide free and
non-biding advice about our language services.

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